Friday, October 29, 2010
The occasions were celebrated in an extreme manner and encouraged liberal socializing and free sex, which resulted in the act of dumping babies. the celebrations, which originated from the West, did not “sit well with our country’s traditions Eg : Valentine’s day , birthday party , etc.
Dumped their babies often because they felt betrayed and used by their child's father to be pregnant as a result of sexual abuse, baby when born is some times disposed off after or even before birth.
Poor knowledge on reproductive health like menstrual cycle and healthcare during pregnancy. Usage of contraceptive
Social control system was loosening up due to high phase of modernisation and development neighbourliness, which should become an agent of social control to curtail social ills, was also waning. Schools are no longer sensitive to what is happening in the social and physical environment of their students as they are engrossed in examination result
Don’t give full attention to their children as today many parents are expect their children are good enough too busy with their jobs Conflict in the family kicked out of youth to find a place and friends can help overcome life
Easy access to pornography Eg : Internet , cyber dating, 3D games, pirate CDs Teenagers easily influenced
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Ohh Babe ... What HAppen
They Need Help, Not Punisment
Thursday, October 7, 2010
solutions that might help
for the government,including mass media n so on..all the entertainment which can lead to social problems like this should be banned from being published.the same goes to all the clubs and pubs.all those who r selling the liquor without liscence also should be punished.cooperation with all the religion agency is also important in handling this problem.
praying campaign also seems good to be held among islam students as in islam, praying is one of method to avoid the wrong and sinfull things.
in family intitutiones,each members in the family should have a very strong relationship with each others.this will not make teenagers nowadays go and find another entertainment outside as they feel there r no happiness in the house among the family.teenagers nowadays are very influenced by their frenz and collegues.they r now in time to have as much fun as they can without thinking of the risks at all.not enough attention and love from the parents and family,,that what makes baby abandonment increasing day by they r free to make frenz wif anyone else.
so that's how we all can help in handling this problems of baby abandonment that seems like have no way out.i hope all of us will take part playing our own role helping those in needed.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Effects of Baby Abandonment
Dr Zainul said, the long period of time, it is difficult for pregnant women to do abortion because the process can also cause bowel and uterus problems when sticks channel ovarian one clogged. If a woman is pregnant she may experience a pregnancy outside the womb. For those who had suffered injuries before, the uterus can rupture according to the statistics of death among infants who are not removed by those spontaneously and cause death.Otherwise, the effects of abortion also can cause psychological effects on the mental and emotions after marriage, especially depression, especially when age is often thought of as the content is never removed. Dysphonic effects include experience in the womb, which raised pain more than experience during the menstrual process.
*Infant mortality rate is higher due to medical care is not perfect
* according to statistics infant mortality by unresponsible person in 2 years ago, had increased 135 case from 2008 to 2009.
*cause contempt, regarded by society as adults
*problem if you want to marry because there is no guardian
*difficult for schools because there is no birth registration
-Cause the abortion will be mimicked by others.
most cases of baby dumping in the county are using the same way that removes a newborn baby into the trash. This shows there is replication of their cruel way to remove the baby into the the trash.
-the case has become wide.
-negative views from society.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
I think, the most important factors that should have been given attention is the today's free-sex lifestyle that our teenagers dun take it as serious.they think there will no problems will be created becoz of dat. all is about getting towards their slut. what a shame. hm maybe there are some of us say like 'maybe they are immatured'. what the point of saying that..? i dun think that can be a good reason to argue with why do they behave like dat. even a 13 years old child alredy know that free-sex lifestyle is an unhealthy one.
then, i do believe family play a very important role in handling this problems and at the same time helping in decreasing the percentage of baby abandonment. family break-up will lead to this getting-worse problems among teenagers. how do they take place? it is when they are in a chaotic family. almost teenagers cant cope with those arguments and fights, they will keep hanging out with their friends and collegues in order to have fun and releasing all their problems they're facing at home. in situation like this when parents always juz left thier responsibilities to their childrens.
in addition, religious education is necessary to all of us in our life. no matter what religion are we in, they are the same. without religion we will have no guidance in what we have to do and not to do. nowadays, we are focusing to0 much on our achievement in examination, daily activities and so on.but we always forget about the most important in our life..our religion. if we're fallowing the rite path, i can tell that all this social problems like this can be easily handled. or even dissappear at all.
but, all of factors contributing above will not give any meaning or a small impact at all if we ourselves have our very own conciousness and awareness of those problems. so,,all that is happening around are actually come from ourselves. try not to blame others. look at ourselves first. ok? ;)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Baby abandonments in Malaysia
Based on Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistics found a total of 580 babies were found dumped between year 2000 to 2006. This number of cases increase every year where as much as 65 baby abandonment cases has increased to 83 cases in the year 2006. In the first 5 months, almost everyday there are reports on dumped baby cases.You read it on the front page of the newspaper or see it on the nightly news...a newborn baby found in a back alley. This scenario had been more serious from day to day although there are a lot about this in the mass media.
Mostly,among teenagers always seen to be involved in this situation. Teenage parents give birth in a motel room and leave the child for dead in a dumpster. A girl gives birth in a school bathroom at night. throws the baby into the garbage or in the toilet.These stories relate to one of the most frightening realities of our culture today: some children are viewed as problems to be thrown away rather than gifts to be treasured.
The hope is that, by offering an alternative to dumping, women might leave their children with people who can help the baby. Surprisingly, these cases have got a lot of attention from the community. So, what are the best opinions and ways that should be taken to prevent this scenario from spreading?
Post by : Sharifah Nuratiqah
The phrase has a different, broader meaning in common speech, where it typically refers to babies who are not born in hospitals and are left in unsafe places by their parents.1 There is a separate group of children who are defined as abandoned by state law. The many categories of children labelled abandoned leads to confusion. Although it may be impossible to change the naming of these groups in common parlance,advocates must be aware of the potential confusion.
Recent attention to the problem of abandoned babies, and subsequent legislative remedies, are responses to the often-publicized stories of babies left in unsafe public places. Despite the lack of a clear definition, this is a clear problem.
Post by : Sharifah Nuratiqah
Monday, August 9, 2010
a warm welcome from me :)
me n myself n i =D
Introduction of my selF
Hello, Assalamualaikum & Selamat Sejahtera
Let me introduce myself first, my name is Khairul Izwan Bin Maskan A112743 , i'm a third year student at Faculty of Science Social & Humanity in National Univercity of Malaysia (UKM). Major in Psychology.
My hometown is in Muar Johor, one of a district in north Johor. But right now during in UKM i live in Kolej Dato Onn. I'm the third child of four siblings, i have two brothers named Izan and Hafiz, and the youngest is a my sister named Fatin. My father's Maskan Bin Kaswadi work in Department of Wildlife, meanwhile my mother's Gihaa Bte Harun is a nurse.
My hobbies is watching movies, chatting, surfing the internet especially facebook, news website, political blogs and youtube. Since we have internet connection in our residential college, i always downloading movies & dramas, so i didn't need to go to cinema anymore if i want to watch movie hehehe ... =)
Other than that, i also like to watch European football matches, especially English Premier League and European Champions League. I'm so excited to see football Stars like Waynee Rooney, Steven Gerard, Frank Lampard, Fernando Torres and Fabreagas show their talent and football skills.
Finally, as a psychology student, my ambition is to be a counselor or a teacher who can counsel students. Nowadays so many social problems involving teenagers, and most of them are still in school, this situation was very worrying. So it led my friends and i to discuss one of the hot topic recently " Baby Abandonment"
Post by : Khairul Izwan bin Maskan
Hai everyone...hello n welcome to our blog, an introduction we would like to introduce our team members...
They are four of us,
SHARIFAH NUR ATIQAH BINTI JAMIL (Department of psychology and human development),NUR ALIA BINTI OMAR (Department of languages and linguistic),
NURZULAIKA BINTI MOHD BIDIN (Department of languages and linguistic)...
This blog is to discuss the topic n issues of BABY ABANDONMENT...Baby dumping is a crime. It occurs as a result of unwanted pregnancies. Many teens are pregnant out of wedlock had to remove their baby desperately, due to shame and fear of the consequences that will occur.
Our objectives is to study the current situations on this issue, to look forward the main factors that causes this issue, to discuss on whom to blame and what has been done to over come this issue and to find out the best solutions in order to minimize this problems...
We welcome anyone to share your opinions in this blog...
Post by : sharifah nuratiqah